Shocking it may sound; but then, a fact is a fact! We are talking about the 'only-second-to-the-original-showman' Subhash Ghai. Till date, all of his films were as filmy and as larger than life with a strong thread of modernity. But that seems to be like a thing of the past now! The reason? Well, Ghai now is of the opinion that he wants youngsters to shun Western Culture and avoid jeans.
Subhash Ghai told this as he was addressing the audience who were present at the India premiere of his Bengali film Nauka Dubi at IFFI 2010. Ghai strongly felt that he youngsters today should shed their western faces and 'masks' that they are wearing and should become more Indian! He did make it a point to say that over the years, commerciality had virtually taken over technology and art. He also added that the cinema was a great way to incorporate national character in youngsters. And that not just independent or rich cinema, even in an out and out commercial film, here are four-five things which can make someone like a rickshawala stop to think and change his perception about issues.
To a spellbound audience, he duly credited the legendary Ritwik Ghatak (who was his teacher at FTII) for having taught him that being open to all kinds of cinema was important.