The well-known Bollywood actor Shakti Kapoor's daughter Shraddha Kapoor made her debut with the movie Teen Patti starring Big B. The movie could not do well at the box office but Shraddha got noticed by the filmmakers and the actress has now signed a three-film contract with Yash Raj Films.
Filmmaker Madhur Bhanderkar had to suffer the toll of this alluring deal. After getting the offer from YRF, she backed out of Bhandarkar's next movie Dil Toh Bacha Hai Jee, in which she was cast opposite Ajay Devgan. However, Madhur did not take it as offence and signed Shazahn Padamsee in her place.
Shraddha informed Madhur that Yash Raj wanted exclusivity so she cannot continue with his film.
According to a source, “Yash Raj has been promoting new faces since last few years. Earlier, they signed Anushka Sharma for Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi opposite Shah Rukh Khan and then they launched the newcomer Ranvir Singh.
Now, it's the turn of Shraddha to get lucky. Like Anushka, Shraddha will also be working only for Yash Raj banner until she completes shooting for their three films”.
The source added, “Shraddha was called for a screen test and she impressed the YRF. The contract was signed few days ago after some talks. Shahid Kapoor and Ranvir Singh are two tentative names to be cast opposite her”.
The news was confirmed by the official spokesperson of the Yash Raj films.
Filmmaker Madhur Bhanderkar had to suffer the toll of this alluring deal. After getting the offer from YRF, she backed out of Bhandarkar's next movie Dil Toh Bacha Hai Jee, in which she was cast opposite Ajay Devgan. However, Madhur did not take it as offence and signed Shazahn Padamsee in her place.
Shraddha informed Madhur that Yash Raj wanted exclusivity so she cannot continue with his film.
According to a source, “Yash Raj has been promoting new faces since last few years. Earlier, they signed Anushka Sharma for Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi opposite Shah Rukh Khan and then they launched the newcomer Ranvir Singh.
Now, it's the turn of Shraddha to get lucky. Like Anushka, Shraddha will also be working only for Yash Raj banner until she completes shooting for their three films”.
The source added, “Shraddha was called for a screen test and she impressed the YRF. The contract was signed few days ago after some talks. Shahid Kapoor and Ranvir Singh are two tentative names to be cast opposite her”.
The news was confirmed by the official spokesperson of the Yash Raj films.